But back to actually making it a theory. To do that we need to prove the existence of a "Designer" first.
you cant make it a theory... ever... intelligent design is utter dogshit at making predictions
Yeah... they said that to Columbus too. They also said that about breaking the sound barrier AND putting streaming video on the internet as well.
Your head in the sand response is more in line from what I would expect from self righteous bible thumpers.
Of course you can't make what they call intelligent design a theory. What that is is nonsense.
I'm talking about a serious intelligent design theory, one based on scientific method. How would you go about doing that?
If you were to do that would you first focus on evolutionary development of... whatever and use the unknown variables of that development as a proof of a designer? Which is the major flaw in intelligent design "theory". Or would you bypass that and go looking for the designer first?
YOu know, the more stuff I read on Intelligent Design, the less I think it's a theory
It's not a theory. It's barely a hypothesis.
I dunno.... I was thinking it's really more like a cross between speculation and wishful thinking.
But we can't really go around saying Intelligent design speculation, can we? It just sounds wrong.
But back to actually making it a theory. To do that we need to prove the existence of a "Designer" first.
If they were serious about intelligent design "theory", then you'd think that effort to do that would be underway.
And what's funny is even if there was an actual designer, it still doesn't prove that this designer intelligently designed anything. It could've been some one else did all the work and he's just taking the credit for it.
So now intelligent design has two problems from the start. Proving the existence of a designer and then proving it was actually him that did it.
I really wish there was some sort of serious attempt to do this. Like I posted before, think of the spin-off technologies that would come from the research.
You know I actually kicked this thread up because of wasps and the the possible outcomes with the evolutionary progress of social insects in general.....
Really good, I think. Definitely a much later release than we expected but some of the things on my list for the Westhill patch moved into the Rift support patch. For example the new alpha system which allows much better looking trees and other objects with transparency, you can try out right now in Test Patch 0.6F9:
Eric has been continuing to work on Westhill and we want to get that into testing soon. I hope to release the new full version with Rift DK2 support next weekend, so that I can focus 100% on the additional support for the Westhill version.
So it looks like a few weeks. Strangely enough that is what we said when we first announced it. But on Eric's side, Westhill moved onto another level since that announcement and on my side, the DK2 support turned out to be a bigger deal than expected. All good though, apart from the later release.
Yeah.... That's all good and all, but why the name WESTHILL to begin with? Why not East Hill Or Non directional Hill? OK maybe not that one, but still is there Any significance to that particular name?
Maybe for S-3 you can have a contest for name choosing for additional tracks?
And maybe when you release S-3 you can bring back the tinted windows option? I really don't want other players looking in my car. You know that's kinda like personal space. Besides. You have any idea how many of these pasty fat F!!! play LFS in their underwear? YUCK! Yeah. Bring back the window tint.
Ah religion part of the debate!
Religion = Unfalsibiality
If religions were real I'd instantly call an excorcist to come pay me a visit and chant some spells at my computer. I'd probably still remove my hard drives first...
That's just it with intelligent design. They all chalk it up to some intelligent designer. Why don't they just say God? But then they pretty much leave it at that. Well if you have an intelligent designer person, they have to come from somewhere, don't they? And I think if they are really serious about pushing their "theory", they would start with trying to prove the existence of the designer, not just accrediting things they don't understand to it.
"If religions were real I'd instantly call an excorcist to come pay me a visit ..."
You? Exercise? Yeah, right.
YOu know, the more stuff I read on Intelligent Design, the less I think it's a theory and the more I think it's an attempt to discredit evolution theories.
Actually, I never thought of IDT as a real theory.
So if there is a "designer"? Sure there really could be. An omni potent entity that evolved in the split second of the forming of the universe. Now to prove it. You'd think that these Intelligent designer fans would try to do that instead of whine about everything else out there. Especially when everything else out there is backed up with facts.
OK so most of y'all are pretty smart. Maybe you could figure this one out. How would one go about proving the existence of God using scientific methods?
Is it really THAT far of a reach?
There's all kinds of anomalies out there. From it taking forever to travel one centimeter to increasing mass by eating a 2lb. box of chocolates and gaining 5lbs. for doing it. So if all that's going on, then why not a divine creator?
Think of the spin off technologies we'd gain from the research!
You'd think with all the religions out there and the money they rake in they'd be all over this idea. That is if they were serious.
"But Bono said annoying people was simply in keeping with punk rock style, NME reported."
LOLZ, We real punks. YOLO, SWAG,........
"To release U2's album free, Apple paid the band and Universal an unspecified fee as a blanket royalty and committed to a marketing campaign for the band worth up to $100m (NZ$123m), according to several people briefed on the deal, the New York Times said."
As I said, they sold out years ago...........
Oh Bondage! Up Yours!
RIP Poly Styrene.
"First band I actually payed to see was X Ray Specs, they were just like this little girl with braces, screaming"
And, Never Mind the Buzzcocks......
(I've heard this track somewhere before...)
And, punks who are still performing without huge Apple payouts.
Siouxsie & The Banshees - Helter Skelter
Best cover of a Beatle track ever......
The Fall, what more can be said.
NME's Greatest Track of the last 60 years.
This is a cover, but IMHO, it's better than Joy Divisions. (And I saw New Order perform this live 6 months after Ian Curtis's death)
Alabama 3, who I saw perfom this in 2012
For those who like U2, here's their 1980 gig in Berlin
Kicks off with Gloria, back while they were a good band.
And, as we have an election here this weekend, here are a couple of classics.....
You forgot Suicidal Tendencies, Dagnasty, Skate nigs, Millions of Damned Christians and X.
I don't even know what kind of phone I have. Some sort of Samsung touch screen. My wife got us these a couple of years ago.
I dunno. Would they give out a copy of something that was against a person's religious or political or sociological point of view? Of course not. Then why do they think implanting a form of music into the phone the consumer may or most likely may not like be a good thing? Especially when your target market thinks the lead singer is someone that their mom had a School girl's crush on. I wonder what Bono's cut per phone sold is anyways? I bet it got more albums for them sold than whatever it is bands do nowdays.
I dunno... I'm anti-social. If I had a company that geeks were mindlessly bonkers about and hopelessly addicted to, I'd put The Captain and Tenille on it. You'd could probably get their whole catalog for like 15 bucks.
I'm not as confident as you guys are about this lasting, but here's hoping.
So, where was the west in creating this ceasefire ? oh yes, about here.....
While the details are as yet unreleased, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko confirmed that “it concerns aid in military-technical cooperation, as lethal and non-lethal weapons, including precision guided weapons”.
The weapons will be provided on a bilateral basis, with Nato keen to stress that they do not have the capacity or wherewithal to provide arms.
The organisation will, however, provide support on cyber defence, logistics, command control and communications, rehabilitation of injured soldiers and advice over defence reform. It will also provide €15m in funding to Ukraine, for the modernisation of its military, Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen confirmed.
“It is definitely a landmark event, the highest level in the 20-year partnership between Ukraine and Nato.”
- President Petro Poroshenko
Leaders of the 28 member countries convened with Poroshenko on Thursday afternoon (September 4), offering him financialsupport as well as military assistance, he told a press conference marking the end of the first day of the Nato Summit 2014.
Perhaps he's just too excited about new arms and funding to mention the humanitarian aid the West forgot to provide........
Russia provides humanitarian aid and guess what " RUSSIA INVADES UKRAINE" (Take 5)
NATO on Friday condemned the entry of a Russian “humanitarian” convoy into Ukrainian territory without the consent of Ukrainian authorities, an event Ukraine charged was a “direct invasion.”
So, perhaps this will last long enough for the West to rearm the Ukraine and send in their troops, who knows. I don't expect it's over yet though.
Ukraine... That's soooooo last summer
What happens to the 5 eyes if Scotland leaves the band? Do we get contacts? Or still wear the rose colored glasses? Is Yoko behind this British break up as well?
I wonder if there's some IRA burnout sitting in front of the TV looking at this vote and thinking, "WHAT THE !@#@!!!!!???".
I've worked for firms like that, or as I call them: Professional Bankrupts, these days I check the directors and their history, and the solvency of the company prior to interview. It's not infallable but I'll do anything I can to avoid working for another crook - it's just soul destroying and messes up your own credit rating. It took me years to get on the housing ladder as a consequence.
I wonder if this effects Rogue System.
How does working for someone that goes bankrupt affect your credit rating?
I've worked for people where the paycheck bounced a couple of times. It would up getting me shut off notices for the utilities. I got away from them.
But I don't see how that affected my credit score - not that I care.
LOL My credit rating went out the window (for seven years) cause of a bank that screwed me over and I went after them for pay back. I've got a couple a years left before I can re establish credit, then I'm going to screw them over all over again. I have things rigged up to where they and their credit ratings crap really can't do anything to me. That's what they get for messing with me.
Y'all would be lucky if a predetermined random event sort of happened and mutate us all.
Quickly, I'll hold his hands, someone kick him in the nuts.
Still trying to find this article where they discovered that wasps not only know their own kind but surrounding animals as well by ...sight?
I'm thinking Guard wasps.
Here's something that skims it.
Apparently the researchers think that because the order of wasps that have this skill also have multiple queens made them evolve with a more complex social order system than say honey bees.
There's all sorts of relatively immediate (±500 years) evolutionary possibilities with these wasps. like advances in communication, tool use?
The wasps did, however, have trouble learning faces without antennae, and faces that had been digitally rearranged, suggesting that both antennae and facial configuration are important cues.
The way the article is written those wasps can only distinguish two different queens from one another using the facial features that are very visible for that species of wasps (antennae and facial construction). Human facial construction is very different from waps and they also tested pattern recognition and memorization and the wasps did not do well at all:
Amazingly, they were better at recognizing faces than they were recognizing simple patterns, such as triangles and crosses.
Overall, the two species were equally good at learning to distinguish simple patterns;
Like I said... the article skimmed the issue. It's title and subject were actually two different things the more I think about it. But the argument of multiple queens causing a complex social mess as being a trigger for this ability. Which is a strange argument because paper wasps, well the red paper wasps don't really build massive nests to begin with. The biggest red wasp nest I've seen only had about 15-20 wasps max.
And these researchers seemed to be focused on other varieties of the paper wasps.
I think I shouldn't have posted this link
What I read was a report from Texas A&M University. They're an over-priced, nationally recognized university known for a bon-fire disaster and Johnny Football. I stumbled on it by accident and I recently heard something else about it... not much, just "facial recognition". So it set me off on the concept again.
Man, it sucks to be half asleep googling something, mistyping and stumbling into something else.
Was actually looking up "chiggers". Real nasty bugs.
Quote from Racer Y :
Y'all would be lucky if a predetermined random event sort of happened and mutate us all.
Quickly, I'll hold his hands, someone kick him in the nuts.
You are misunderstanding the difference between "random" and "complex".
no im not
Coincidences are rare but happen all the time.
thats comepltely the wrong way of looking at the world
So why in evolution we go from simple systems towards more complex system if clt suggests it should go the other way (less peaks, towards the average)? Clt doesn't even work if you look at one species living in one place on earth. Mutations start as rare but become more common over time (if the gene survives). If clt approach was correct then the mutations would not lead anywhere because their effect to the average are meaningless. Instead of one peak the mutations lead to new peaks meaning that your clt should be called multiple limit theorem.
youre misinterpreting what i said
a) species do approach a gaussian distribution - see anything you can measure on humans
b) the main point was that any large sum of random experiments (ie what nature does every single moment anythign happens) approaches a gaussian distribution and thus a state of maximum information
So.... Can we talk about wasps now? No I don't mean white folk, I mean the real wasps with six legs and this phenomenon of facial recognition. Y'all would be lucky if a predetermined random event sort of happened and mutate us all.
Still trying to find this article where they discovered that wasps not only know their own kind but surrounding animals as well by ...sight?
I'm thinking Guard wasps.
Here's something that skims it. http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2011/12/why-some-wasps-cant-recognize-faces.ars
Apparently the researchers think that because the order of wasps that have this skill also have multiple queens made them evolve with a more complex social order system than say honey bees.
There's all sorts of relatively immediate (±500 years) evolutionary possibilities with these wasps. like advances in communication, tool use?
Kicking up a dead thread.
Wasps.... As far as I know, Wasps are supposed to be the simplest of the social insects (bees, ants and termites) Researchers recently noticed that a red wasp species is capable of doing something very advanced. They are capable of facial recognition. Not just each others' faces in the nest but people's faces as well.
I try to keep red wasps around as I've noticed over the years that if you don't mess with them, they won't bother you and they have a blind hatred towards yellow jackets.
I allowed them to build a nest on my back porch for just that reason.
One day, my son got a broom and whacked one of the wasps. It didn't kill the wasp. It sort of flew around in a circle and went back to it's nest. no of the other wasps moved. I thought my son was going to get nailed, but nothing happened. Later that evening when we were retuning from somewhere and piling up on the porch to get into the house, a single wasp left the nest and stung the crap out of my kid. Then it calmly flew back to its place on the nest. It was the same wasp he whacked with the broom. It was the weirdest thing.
It was as if the wasp knew who to go after....revenge?
If wasps can facially recognize people and can calculate like that, maybe we ought to rethink the social order of social insects?
I wonder how far that facial recognition goes? Can it tell expressions? Read body language? Can one be trained to do so?
Yeah, that's a tall order, but so is facial recognition. That's learned behavior. Sure a wasp instinctively knows it's a wasp and the other bugs in the nest are other wasps, but to be able to identify them on individual levels? Not just other wasps but surrounding species like People and dogs and cats?
Down maybe. But Up? Man, I have a hard time breathing just thinking about it. Hello Mr Rogers! long time no see. I've heard that part of Pennsylvania is really pretty country. Your photos prove that.
Anyway, when we paid, this means we had unlocked contents => I do not think we have been conned. S1 and S2 contents have been delivered.
We would have paid for S3 6 years ago, and the devs would claim they do not want to release it, then why not asking for a refund ... I think it is far from being the situation, isn't it . Especially if you have a look to the statements made "recently"
I find it hard to think of being conned or ripped-off. I don't think think the devs mislead about much as far as what comes with the licenses you buy.
Based on my severely limited knowledge of video game making, I am a bit clueless why S3 isn't already out
and a ...sequel to LFS isn't in the works at this time, but that doesn't mean I was conned. Hell, when I got S1, I didn't really know anything about S2 or S3 other than it was additional content to be released in stages. Also, when S2 came out, it seemed to be a bit more than what I was expecting to come from it. So no. I don't feel ripped off.
To be honest, I would go ahead and "throw my money away" on an S3 license, but if I did that, Murphy's law would come into play and I'd wind up needing that money for something more immediate.
LOL that, or they'd FINALLY release S3 a couple of days after I died. I'm getting old. I gotta take that into account, you know.
Why the name "Westhill" anyways? Is there some significance to using that particular name for this track? Was the name pulled out of a hat?
Was an old Clint Eastwood movie blaring in the background at the time of deciding to name the track? Is this the place where one of the devs "got lucky" at after a Frankie Goes to Hollywood concert? Where'd the name come from?
Or my point about it's all propaganda ?. With regards to RT, generally the west doesn't see their info, and their news tends to survive the time test far better than anything in western media. IE, OMG.... Russia has just invaded again, again, again, again, and never do we hear, oh, we got it wrong, again, again, again...........
You may almost think it's planted propaganda.........
As indeed most media information is on all sides. Then again there are a few journalists who actually give informed information, Robert Parry, Pepe Escobar, Paul Craig Roberts, and some others spring to mind. Two of those three are US citizens, and have many decades of history in the US in their fields. I also quote US intelligence agents, past and present. Even the US State Dept !. So I think that I try to give a wide range of sources, rather than your claim that I only quote RT.
There's a lot I don't post, either unconfirmed or too opposite to western media to be bothered arguing about, most of it will become obvious given time anyway.
However, I strongly suggest people do their own research and confirm independently the information I provide. However factual discussions seem to be in short supply here, rather the discussion seems to be more focused on a general denial of anything that disagrees with western propaganda.
So... What are you going to blame the US for now seeing that the Ukraine nonsense seems to be clearing up?
For the rest of u, we have a great deal to allow your sad asses to be remembered by your descendents.......
Please, we really want to make money from your sad illusions.........
Please pay money now, when it all turns to crap, then it's too late.........
Without a huge markup, cus I really care, no, really, I actually do care about ur history.........
You know this whole Ukraine thing.... IT's kind of like a really big example of American style politics.
See, just like the USofA, you have only two factions concerning the matter. Russia and the Western Powers. Which is just like our Democrats and Republican political parties.
And just like these political parties, these factions are headed by criminals, perverts and other assorted scumbags.
Yeah I know. EVERY country is led by scumbags...If you don't think so, then consider their propaganda department a success.
And the last sad comparison?
I invented the term "vote drone" to describe mindless masses that clamor to one party or the other without actually knowing the true agenda of that party. They parrot what the party pundits put out without actually thinking about what they are saying or what they support. They rally around lies and half-truths that the parties/factions routinely sling out and accept it as the Holy Gospel.
It's the same thing here with Ukraine.
Speaking of that term, I've heard certain rightwing AM radio talk show hosts stealing that term to describe the members of the other party of idiots and forgeting to include their own.... but that's America, not Ukraine.
I guess, but they only come with a second line which says:
"To sin by silence when protest should sound, makes cowards out of men"
People say to cry, to feel bad, to be shocked... They are proud to have posted flowers, they think about their families and what more rubbish crap..... Compared to at least trying to get a clear picture of what is really going on so someone could raise a voice at least in the future (Yes, I am aware of someone brave enough to have a different opinion, in a huge crowd with a commonly shared opinion, is very rare). Contributing to avoiding such happenings in future pays more respect than being silent, sending flowers or cry over dead bodies.. while there is plenty of evidence that things aren't like they are presented.
OK... I give up Why are people from the Netherlands called Dutch? I'm serious.
Is there like some old historical reference to some Duke? I went to school with some kids that were Dutch-Americans. Their last name was French. Yeah. Go figure. The other kids with the last name of French really were French (cajuns).
As far as Ukraine goes... People can sit there and have the last laugh or point and say, "I told you so" all they want when it comes to the online discussions arguments and flame wars. But it won't matter. At least not in the Ukraine.
You know, the overall indifference from the planet as a whole should be an indicator that our moral compass sucks. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a site in the deep web taking bit coin bets on daily casualty counts.
Wow.... Let's see.
I found out what windshields are really for. They're not to make things more efficient. They're made to turn us into wimps. GHeesh! riding without one is fun, but it kicks your ass. I finally got tired of having to peek around mine at night. No it's not just dirty. LOL It's probably older than some of the newer LFSers. So I polished it. I got it clean and shiny enough to realize all that milky crap is INSIDE the damned thing! Thus, riding without one for a couple of weeks. So I go to my favorite website for parts and plunk down around $250 US for a new piece of plastic. I wanted factory/OEM replacement instead of some one size fits all aftermarket POS.
That crap is only about $50.00 ± cheaper and about $200.00 more of a headache, so why bother?
So I got a nice shiny replacement windshield. That's only for the plastic. I had to reuse the bracket. And that was weird, I never really noticed, but the screws/nuts were backwards. It had acorn nuts. Shouldn't those be facing on the outside instead of the hex heads? So I do all that. Also, the front seat was toast. My wife found a complete new... Well NEW looking seat. A complete FACTORY front seat for a "97 Valkyrie. For $50.00! Fifty dollars! FIFTY DOLLARS !!!!!!!!!! Did I say Fifty Dollars???? FIFTY DOLLARS!!!!
OK so I get all this together. Get up to go to work and I gots a flat tire......
Last edited by Racer Y, .
Reason : Forgot to say what windshields are for.
"Ukraine Minister of Social Policy Lyudmila Denisova has signed an order officially recognizing the Russian convoy stuck at the border as humanitarian aid cargo of the International Committee of the Red Cross.
"In accordance with Articles 4 and 5 of the Law of Ukraine 'On Humanitarian Aid' considering the initiative of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko on receiving humanitarian aid within the framework of international humanitarian missions under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to recognize the cargo as humanitarian aid,” the document reads.
Russian and Ukrainian officials have agreed on Sunday to proceed with the inspection of the first group of 16 Russian trucks of the humanitarian convoy, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said.
From the underground news desk, the Ukraine is getting it's ass kicked by the Freedom Fighters. (See my sig!) Ignore your news media as it seems to be as full of truth on this as it has been over the rest of this situation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_fRqKvNGQc
That's in Russian, it does however include interesting graphical proof. Feel free to provide a translation, as a request to our Russian members. (We are a world wide community after all. Do try to remember this. I did request that this thread focus on facts, rather than propoganda at the beginning. See page 1 !)
Here's an english analysis. Going into details about actual unit id and what the actual unit damage is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUeRVRcab0Q
This also addresses how the propoganda that your currently believing can easily take place in Europe, based on living memory. It does however pay to move on and accept that situations change.
As an example, My dad was with the 10th Gurkhas during WW part 2 in Burma. 35 years later he was working for the Japanese embassy in Wgtn, and ended up talking with the new Ambassador at his welcoming event about the fact they were 30 yrds apart at Imphal. (And pissing off the diplomatic hierarchy because they were talking so long) And life goes on..........
( Interesting alt fact, Yamamoto's daughter also worked there..... )
Do try to remember that the Ukraine has already admitted shooting down MH17, admittedly they claim an accident while the current alt view is that was was deliberate.
Why do you think there is no info from GB from the Black Box's. Probably still arguing about how to put a positive spin on it.
My brother-in -law gave me a Gurkha knife.
Really dude? You base your thoughts on THIS clown? Really?
Rupert Murdoch is more credible than this idiot. I'd love to have been the one asking the questions to this defect. Mine wouldn't be so slanted and he'd probably make a lot more Uhhhs in his replies than what he does now.
OMG look at his eyes! he's reading from cards - a teleprompter!
Tanks on a train, photo'd by "someone"
A long time ago, conspiracy nuts here just KNEW that the U.N. was going to take over the USofA. They had this photo of a Soviet tank, probably one of those models, on a trailer, hidden under a tarp, in the state of Louisiana.
They made all this big stuff about the tank photo and lumped it in with other half-baked nonsense to come up with a wonderful tale of communist domination.
I know about the tank in that photo. I don't know how others got a hold of it.
See. My next door neighbor at the time ran an escort service. No not THAT kind of escort service. They escorted over sized loads across the US, and Canada. One of their jobs was to transport that tank. It was a big top secret deal. It was during the cold war and that tank was stolen from a Warsaw pact country and brought here for analysis. But someone took a picture, made up a story behind it and PRESTO! Instant conspiracy theory.
You need to realize, that just because someone isn't wearing a designer suit telling you news from some fancy desk. That it doesn't mean they ain't full of it. And it damned sure doesn't mean that these people are honest, un-biased or even competent.... like this moron rambling about Kiev.
Oh well. At least we know he's not a true drone for Putin... he's just too damned stupid.
Look both sides are lying about most of this. It's what they do.
.......the Ukraine have just brought some from Poland for the scap value of $8700 each, hope is WW part 3 will then be happening so no one will care.
$8700 for a soviet era tank? Can anyone get one? I want one.
WWIII? Who cares? It's a win win for me either way. If it doesn't happen, I get to die a sedentary life paying taxes. If it does happen, I die building an empire.
Wouldn't you like the chance to carve out a little piece of the planet for yourself and set up a legacy as to how things are to be done from that day forward? I would. It'd be easier than you'd think too. Humanity as a whole is nothing but a herd animal. When the next global war comes and they lose all their shepherds, their going to need someone to tell them what to do or they'll die. I plan on being just that person.
Scawen? Y'all should do Westhill classic. Show more simple track layout and things like stands - No windmills off in the distance either.... Coal plants. Make a special set of old, old cars and do the whole thing in greyscale.
How much of a pain would that be?